STAR Community Justice Center’s mission is to enhance public safety by providing:

STRUCTURE through close management of each offender’s time, energy, and movement;

THERAPY as the focus of intensive, individualized educational, vocational, chemical dependency and other pro-social programs;

ADVOCACY for all Community Justice stakeholders, and;

RESTORATION as the result of our synergy.




Program Overview

STAR Community Justice Center is a community based correctional facility intended to promote public safety and reduce prison commitments. STAR CJC utilizes cost-effective programming that aims to address the seven key areas (criminogenic needs) that place offenders at risk of recidivating. Staff works with each offender to address barriers that exist that may prohibit that individual from living a crime-free, pro-social lifestyle upon release. Offenders participate in intensive cognitive-behavioral treatment in addition to educational, vocational and restorative activities during their stay of up to 180 days. Prior to release, an aftercare plan is developed to ensure long-term success and reduce the threat to public safety.

STAR Philosophy

Community Justice is a way of viewing, understanding and responding to crime and victimization. Irresponsible and criminal behaviors cause pain and suffering for all Community Justice stakeholders, including victims, families, our communities and for the offenders as well. There are no victimless crimes.

Resident Philosophy

With Structure, Therapy, Advocacy and Restoration, I can be a point of light in a world of darkness. Through Grace comes opportunity. Structure defines the responsible boundaries for my family, my community and for me. Therapy is the science of right thinking. I am responsible for maintaining my own pro-social attitudes. Advocacy is to live the Golden Rule. I will be an advocate for my family and for my community. Restoration is achieved through respect and compassion for others, my willingness to share what I value, and my commitment to repay what is due. I will live each day with Structure, Therapy, Advocacy and Restoration. With STAR, I will succeed!

  • STAR Scioto Office:

    4696 Gallia Pike
    Franklin Furnace, OH 45629

  • Phone:


  • Fax:


  • Email:  Questions@starcjc.com
  • STAR Athens Office:

    7 West 29 Drive
    Nelsonville, OH 45764

  • Phone:


  • Fax:
